Leeds Micro

Imaging / ALS

Leeds has designed a line of alternate light source imaging tools to highlight bodily fluids, victim bruising and bite marks, trace evidence, accelerants, explosives, and gunshot residue.


The LSV2 is a multi-wavelength imaging tool used to view, capture, and document bodily fluids, victim bruising and bite marks, trace evidence, accelerants, explosives, and gunshot residue on various types of samples.  Examiners can quickly scan a large area of evidence and modify imaging conditions to expedite evidence processing.


Leeds Near-Infrared Color Camera & Software Kit for Zeiss Stemi 2000 microscope. Ideal for analysis and documentation of blood spatter and gunshot residue (GSR) evidence, the Leeds N-IRC kit includes a single- CCD-color camera that yields real time, high contrast, visible light (color) and n-IR images as well as Leeds Vision and Annotation Software.

Moveed Lighting Equipment